Avengers Endgame

The movie starts off 2 years after the the events of the previous movie with half of the Heroes remaining. One of the Main characters figures out a way to travel back in time to collect the six infinity stones which destroyed the universe. With some hope left the remaining heroes rally together to travel back into time to help save the universe.

As the heros travel back through time they make discoveries about themselves that help them realize who they are which they had forgotten over the two years since the events of the previous movie.

The Hero's also have to make sacrifices along the way to the gain the stones and after adventuring through the timeline and fighting enemies from the past they all eventually arrive in the present with all stones intact.

Right when the Avengers use the Infinity stones to bring back half of the universe inhabitants, Thanos who was the Antagonist of the previous movies who had wiped out half of the universe follows them into the present day universe when they were jumping through time. A giant battle ensues and all of the dead avengers who had be killed previously held in the fight and they defeat thanos having to sacrifice one of the main protagonists to do it.

he Movie ends with the funeral for the dead character who has sacrificed his life to kill thanos and save the Universe and the responsibility of protecting the universe is handed to the new generation.